El término “imprinting”, o “impronta”, se refiere correctamente a un comportamiento de aprendizaje, innato y espontáneo. La forma mejor conocida de imprinting, que será el tema de este artículo, es el imprinting (o la impronta) filial, a través de que el animal joven aprende las características de sus padres. Lamentablemente, varios veterinarios, ingenieros agrónomos y […]
Category: Horses & Donkeys

Imprinting – artificial technique or natural process?
Imprinting is a type of innate, spontaneous, learning behaviour seen in animals. The best known form of imprinting, the subject of this article, is filial imprinting, in which a young animal learns the characteristics of its parent. This filial imprinting is the form defined in the widely respected dictionaries of English produced by Oxford University, from which […]