There are days when I see the same species several times. Yesterday it was the enigmatic Iberian Hare, with a look on its face like a hawk, surprised to find itself in the role of a prey species, in the theatre of Nature. Hay días que veo repetidamente a una especie. Ayer ha sido la […]
Category: Landscape, Fauna & Flora

Griffon Vultures breeding – Reproduction des Vautours fauves – Cría de los Buitres leonados
Griffon Vultures breeding Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) are well established in Segovia Province where they play an important role in recycling carrion, both wildlife and livestock. This week, while doing a census of Peregrin Falcons (SEO/Birdlife) on chalk cliffs locally, we found a collapsed nest with last year’s remains of pellets in which there was […]